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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

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2022/2023 School Year

24th Nov 2022
Congratulations to our stars of the week. These boys were recognised for their wonderful...
23rd Nov 2022
Primary 1&2 boys and girls had lots of fun exploring the story ‘The kiss...
22nd Nov 2022
Primary 1-4 boys and girls had lots of fun outside exploring the autumn leaves....
21st Nov 2022
P1&2 boys and girls had lots of fun exploring fairy tales with the boys and...
21st Nov 2022
Spotty, stripey, plain, patterned, multicoloured, long and short - we had socks...
17th Nov 2022
P3/4 have had lots of fun with our topic The Rainforest. Over the last few weeks...
16th Nov 2022
We are delighted to invite prospective boys and girls and their parents to our Open...
14th Nov 2022
As we continue out theme “Marvellous Me” P6/7 have learnt all about...
14th Nov 2022
Last week the boys and girls marked Remembrance Day through discussion and reflection...
14th Nov 2022
On Sunday our P6 and P7 School Council members represented the school by laying...