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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

27th Feb 2023
Please see the link for the March Dinner Menu
24th Feb 2023
We had a wonderful morning with our friends from St Columba's Primary School. We...
24th Feb 2023
P 6&7 children have welcomed 100 salmon eggs into our classroom. Stephen, our...
24th Feb 2023
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week! Certificates were presented for being...
22nd Feb 2023
Over the past six weeks our choir has trained for Ballymena Music Festival. The...
22nd Feb 2023
P5 decided they weren't going to miss out this year so we had a 'Pancake Wednesday'....
22nd Feb 2023
Over the last month P5 have been learning a lot about Vikings; where they came from,...
20th Feb 2023
Primary 1&2 boys and girls enjoyed mixing, stirring, frying, tossing and eating...
14th Feb 2023
❤️ P7 boys and girls organised a very successful Bun sale for Valentine’s...
13th Feb 2023
P1&2 have been making two types of bird food. They mixed bird seeds with fat...