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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

28th Oct 2022
Primary 7 pupils were offered the opportunity to apply for pupil leadership roles...
28th Oct 2022
Congratulations to all the boys and girls! They have worked really hard over the...
28th Oct 2022
P6/7 thoroughly enjoyed using natural materials to create art and sculptures in...
27th Oct 2022
On Wednesday our Kilrea Kidz had a super morning playing in our hall, creating autumn...
26th Oct 2022
P1&2 enjoyed looking at all the different vegetables which had been grown in...
26th Oct 2022
P1-4 boys and girls have been having lots of fun outside exploring Autumn. They...
21st Oct 2022
Congratulations to this week's stars!    Certificated were awarded...
21st Oct 2022
We were delighted with the number of parents, family and friends who came to purchase...
19th Oct 2022
On Friday 21st October, our Eco Council will be selling the fresh vegetables they...
18th Oct 2022
Like the story, P7 children have been amazed at the variety, size  and quality...