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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

18th Oct 2022
P5 have spent the last month learning about how their bodies work. We have investigated...
14th Oct 2022
Mrs McCombe was delighted to award a child from each class a star of the week certificate....
14th Oct 2022
Over the past few days, boys and girls have been preparing speeches and presentations....
9th Oct 2022
P6&7 had a very useful and important afternoon, with Geraldine, from The British...
6th Oct 2022
Congratulations to Toberdoney winning the overall ‘House of the Month.’...
5th Oct 2022
We have been delighted to host Kilrea Kidz each Wednesday, 10am to 12noon. We have...
4th Oct 2022
Primary 1&2 boys and girls have had lots of fun exploring patterns using our...
2nd Oct 2022
The School Council presented Mr Paul Snelling with some old text books and some...
2nd Oct 2022
Primary 1 & 2 have been having lots of fun finding out about our bodies and...
27th Sep 2022
P5 had a lovely morning in Ballycastle learning all about the history of communication...