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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

23rd Sep 2022
Today Miss Steele led our school assembly, informing our boys and girls that Monday...
20th Sep 2022
Our first Eco activity this term has been to harvest apples from our trees and use...
20th Sep 2022
We are working on our theme for this term”Marvellous Me.” Today we were...
18th Sep 2022
Well done to the boys and girls who volunteered to sing at a Community Service of...
16th Sep 2022
Today was a very special and memorable day. Our P6 boys and girls led assembly,...
8th Sep 2022
An inspirational lady. An example to us all. We wish to express our sadness at...
4th Sep 2022
First day back and Primary 5 were glad to catch up with their friends before checking...
3rd Sep 2022
On Friday morning we had an assembly to start off the year as we mean to go on!...
3rd Sep 2022
Primary 2 were delighted to welcome 6 new boys and girls into primary 1 on Thursday....
2nd Sep 2022
It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back to school. Lots of fun has been had,...