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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

2nd Jun 2023
Today Miss Steele led assembly informing the boys and girls about staying safe in...
2nd Jun 2023
Today in assembly some of our wonderful pupils showcased their musical talents. Please...
1st Jun 2023
Primary 7 have been very busy creating a mini business. Roles have been distributed...
1st Jun 2023
31st May 2023
This term P5 are spending time learning about their local environment and what they...
31st May 2023
Today P5/6/7 had a lovely afternoon connecting with nature in the Wildlife Garden....
31st May 2023
On Tuesday 23rd May P5 enjoyed a day out with their friends in St Columba's. First...
31st May 2023
On Tuesday 23rd May P5 set off for a day out with our friends from St Columba's....
31st May 2023
We want to wish our amazing violinists all the best for their upcoming Grade 1 exam....
26th May 2023
P1&2 enjoyed a fun day out with their friends from years 1&2 at St Columbia’s....