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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

20th Jun 2023
We would like to give a big thank you to Stephanie Rouke, a very kind P7 parent,...
19th Jun 2023
During ECO club, last month, P5 sowed pumpkin seeds which have germinated very successfully....
18th Jun 2023
As part of our KS2 Shared Education curriculum we are delighted to take part in the...
16th Jun 2023
Over the past two years a number of parents have noted the poor quality of print...
16th Jun 2023
Many thanks to members of the PTA who helped to lift all the rubber mats below the...
16th Jun 2023
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week! Awards were presented for; Growing...
14th Jun 2023
Primary 7 boys and girls headed out to a shady spot in the playground today to read...
14th Jun 2023
Our P7 pupils hosted a digital workshop to local members of the Ulster Scots Society. Everyone...
14th Jun 2023
Today our Mums and Tots group celebrated their final day of the term with a Teddy...
13th Jun 2023
Our new Primary 1 boys and girls came for a look around school today. We had lots...