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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2022/2023 School Year

29th Mar 2023
Did you know that only the wealthiest Vikings could afford a metal helmet? Most fighters...
28th Mar 2023
The boys and girls from Kilrea Early Years came to our Circus in the Assembly Hall....
28th Mar 2023
On Friday the boys and girls in P1&2 joined the circus. They swung on the trapeze...
24th Mar 2023
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week!   They were awarded certifcates...
24th Mar 2023
The Members of our Board of Governors, Staff and School Community of Kilrea Primary...
23rd Mar 2023
The Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service have previously held a blood donation...
23rd Mar 2023
Primary 7 pupils were delighted with the arrival of their Leaver's Hoodies!  The...
23rd Mar 2023
On Wednesday 22nd March, two teams from P6 and P7 participated in the Sentinus Challenge...
10th Mar 2023
Congratulations to our Stars of the Week.   They have received certificates...
3rd Mar 2023
We want to thank John Bolton who kindly donated wooden pallets for our latest project....