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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2021/2022 School Year

1st Feb 2022
Well done to the Primary 7 boys who took part in the third round of the small schools...
31st Jan 2022
On Friday 28th January P4 children explored the school grounds on our adventure...
30th Jan 2022
This Friday P5 and 6 were revising their maths knowledge using board games.
26th Jan 2022
We are enrolling for September 2022. All applicatications should be submitted online...
25th Jan 2022
During Monday’s Eco Club P5 were  investigating camouflage ! They hid...
21st Jan 2022
Over the last few weeks P5 and 6 have been learning about everything ancient Egyptian....
21st Jan 2022
P4 pulled on their wellies to go out for a winter walk. They found lots of snowdrops...
21st Jan 2022
P1&2 went for a walk down the Lisnagrot Road to look at houses. We saw lots...
21st Jan 2022
P4 Children have been fully engaged this week in learning the concept of multiplication. ...