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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Homepage

2021/2022 School Year

15th Feb 2022
P4 children have been thoroughly enjoying learning about the famous Landmarks...
15th Feb 2022
Crafting, eating and all round fun and love being shared within the P4 classroom....
14th Feb 2022
P7 had a fantastic valentine bun sale today! They were completely sold out...
14th Feb 2022
P1&2 have been finding out about the materials used to build a house. We then...
14th Feb 2022
P1&2 have had lots of fun over the last few weeks in P.E. We have been using...
14th Feb 2022
P3 were sharing the love today and participated in a range of STEM challenges all...
11th Feb 2022
We had a great morning decorating our Valentine cup cakes. 
11th Feb 2022
We’re delighted to have our salmon project up and running again after covid....
11th Feb 2022
P7 have had an extremely busy week trying out lots of new activities ! Using a datalogger,...
11th Feb 2022
On Valentines day, Primary 7 pupils are encouraging the boys and girls to purchase...