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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - P5/6

2021/2022 School Year

17th Jan 2022
P5 enjoyed the January sunshine during Eco Club , making a natural compass from...
7th Jan 2022
On the few days before the holidays we had lots of fun activities. In maths we had...
7th Jan 2022
On Friday afternoon P5 and 6 showed us some of their Christmas presents. It's obvious...
5th Jan 2022
We are looking forward to seeing all our boys and girls return after the Christmas...
22nd Dec 2021
Today we celebrated making it to the end of term with a Christmas assembly, house...
21st Dec 2021
The boys and girls had a great afternoon participating in our Christmas sports....
20th Dec 2021
Today the boys and girls were delighted to see Santa! He had heard that everyone...
15th Dec 2021
P6/7 boys and girls are welcome to attend the Rainey Open Night. Please see flyer...
14th Dec 2021
We were very proud of our P5 pupils who assisted Mrs Cooper with her assembly about...
14th Dec 2021
The boys and girls love Christmas and have thoroughly enjoyed all of their Christmas...