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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - P5

8th Sep 2023
To celebrate the end of our first successful week at school, P2 to P7 received an...
8th Sep 2023
Today we held our first Friday Assembly which was led by Mrs Anderson who coordinates...
5th Sep 2023
P5 to P7 will be particpating in Games from 2pm to 3pm on Wednesday afternoons. Throughout...
1st Sep 2023
Primary 5 have had a wonderful first day. They spent time going over the routines,...

2022/2023 School Year

30th Jun 2023
Our last day of term was a little different! Schools involved in the Forest...
29th Jun 2023
This year our summer potted sports had a farming theme. Each house had 3 teams and...
29th Jun 2023
KPS love to celebrate all pupil success. P1 to P6 had their Prize Giving Assembly...
23rd Jun 2023
Congratulations to our stars of the week.   Certificates were awarded for; Wonderful...
21st Jun 2023
Today we had representatives from the charity, Safe Families, come along to host...
19th Jun 2023
During ECO club, last month, P5 sowed pumpkin seeds which have germinated very successfully....