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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

World Book Day Madness in P4

11th Mar 2022

Children were in character throughout the day and had a jam packed fun Friday.  We started the day with whole school assembly dedicated to World book day. Back in class P4 had quiet reading time and we then listed to McGrammar World book day song and joined in with the grooves.  Children completed a book review of their favourite book and in the afternoon we attended the whole school book fair.  There was alot of excitement back in class as we competed in book quizzes and our Green Cheetah Champions won a massive 40 housepoints.  Children also made a start to creating their own books.  Upon completion each child will read their book to the class.  There will be a prize for the best, well written book P4.  

We also took this afternoon to look at the extreme reading photographs - amazing!! Thank you :)