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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Wednesday Games P5 to P7

5th Sep 2023

P5 to P7 will be particpating in Games from 2pm to 3pm on Wednesday afternoons.

Throughout the year we hope to provide the opportunity to play a range of games. P5 to P7 are permitted to wear their trainers, dark joggers/ leggings/ shorts to school. 

Throughout Term 1 pupils will have the choice of football or hockey.

Football players require shin guards and football boots.

Hockey players require shin guards and mouth guards. 

We would ask that all pupils bring these items to their games session on Wednesday 20th September.

I am very aware that September is a costly month for families. I would like to encourage anyone who has old football boots and shin guards at home to consider donating them to the school. We would like to host an Eco Recycling Sheme where these items can be purchased for £1. 

All boots and shin guards for the Eco Recycling sale should be brought into school by Thursday 14th September. These items will be available to purchase for £1 on Friday 15th September, 1.30pm to 2.30pm. If you cannot make this time please contact the office.