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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

The day we met the Duke of Edinburgh...

30th Jun 2023

Our last day of term was a little different! Schools involved in the Forest Schools Project were invited to come to Garvagh to welcome a special visitor, Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh. 

Our P5&6 Eco Members were in the Forest, demonstrating elements of Forest School. They greeted the Duke as he climbed the hill and quizzed him with true or false questions connected to the Forest. The Duke was able to see how we can make a den, sort leaves and seeds and name the trees they are from, there was a welcome sign created from natural materials, animals hidden in the foilage and we were able to inform him all about the pyramid. 

Meanwhile, down the street the rest of the school assembled with their fingerprinted flags they had created. There was a great buzz about as many schools and sections of the local community were represented! 

The Duke of Edinburgh arrived down the street in a horse and cart. He took his time to speak to the representatives from the community and to the crowds. Our very own Mrs Brown had made pancakes and had a great discussion the Duke. 

This is a day we will remember and we are so thankful to be part of it. Many thanks to Karin from Garvagh Forest and the Lord Lieutenant, Mrs Alison Millar for our invitation to be part of today.

We want to wish our children, staff, families and friends a very happy, safe and fun summer!