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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

⭐️Assembly & Stars of the Week - 26/04/24 ⭐️

26th Apr 2024

Today, Rev Gary Millar led assembly and talked about promises. He challenged Miss Steele to a litter challenge and promised that she would get as many sweets as she wanted if she completed the task.

Miss Steele completed the task and Rev Millar had to honour his promise. Primary 6 were delighted and hope she will share!

He reminded us that it is not always easy to keep a promise but God will always keep his. He also reminded us to care for our beautiful planet and if you see someone lifting litter, say thank you!

Congratulations to our stars of the week. 

Certificates were awarded for;

- Having a great attitude in school
- Being so creative
- Amazing AR work
- Great violin playing
- Working so hard in class

Well done everyone! 

A special mention to one of our P6 pupils who will be treading the boards this weekend! She is performing in Shrek, the Musical, and has 4 parts to play. We know you will be fabulous.

Break a leg!