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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Sports Day

31st May 2024

On Thursday 31st May we held our Sports Day. 

The weather stayed dry, and our boys and girls looked their part in their house colours. Everyone was welcomed by Mrs McCombe and the crowds cheers the pupils onto the pitch.

The boys and girls participated in several races including the running race, bean bag race, egg and spoon race, the little ones did the sack race and our older pupils participated in the welly throwing competition.

The we had our house games based on an Eco Theme. P1/2 had to put 'rubbish' into the wheelbarrow and fill up the crate.

P3/4 completed an obstacle race to create an Eco Flag. 

P5-7 had to complete an obstacle race and create a scarecrow.

Then we had the delight of our toddler race, the mum's egg and spoon race and the dad's bean bag race.

We celebrate the end of the day with an ice-cream.

A massive thank you to Mrs Cooper who coordinated the day and to our wonderful P7 who ably assisted. Thank you to all our families who came along to support our children! 

A great day was had by all.