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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Safer Internet Assembly

11th Feb 2022

In assembly today Mrs Cooper discussed internet safety, focussing on playing games online.

We want all of our boys and girls to use the internet safely and to make safe and sensible choices online. 

P1 to P3 focused on ‘Digiduck’ stories to highlight to dangers of sharing details online. P4 created a ‘Kinder Internet Spell’. P5/6 looked at ‘Clicken Chicken’ learning that not everything is what it seems online and ‘#Goldilocks’ warning of the dangers of sharing online. P7 considered what they should keep private and what they can share online. 

We all watched the story ‘Once Upon a Time Online’  and P7 reminded us of the ‘SMART’ rules to keep us safe online. 

Advice for Parents can be found in the link