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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Remembrance and Eco Assembly

10th Nov 2023

Eco Assembly

Mrs Anderson started off assembly with the Eco Committee, sharing the very exciting news that we are working towards our 12th flag. We might be the first school in Northern Ireland to achieve this! 

The Eco Committee shared what we hope to learn and develop this year.

Kilrea is an Eco School

Improving our break time choices

Learning outside when we can

Ready to learn lots more about helping our world

Encouraging wildlife and planting lots

And always reducing, reusing and recycling!

We are looking forward to lots of Eco activities this year! 


Then Mrs McCombe led our Remembrance Assembly. We looked at the unlikey weapon of war, the bagpipes, and their contribution throughout the years. Then Mrs McCombe played the Last Post and our boys and girls had a short silence.

Stars of the Week

Certificated were presented for;

  • Working hard a school
  • Having a positive and happy attitude
  • Speaking well in class
  • Being a good team player at the football tournament

Well done everyone!