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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

⌨️🎮PSNI Online Safety Talk

4th Jun 2024

Today we were delighted to welcome Sara and Sam, our local community officers, who spent time talking to P5,6 and 7 about online safety.

First of all we watched a video asking the question, “Would you leave your door wide open?”

We considered lots of things….

Would you speak to a stranger like they were your best friend? 

Would you let a stranger take a copy of all your personal photos?

Would you let anyone look through your personal things? 

Are you more careful with your safety in the real world compared to the online world? 


Everyone was challenged to stop and think before they post online. We were shocked to discover that you are deemed criminally responsible from 10 years old and could end up with a youth record. This could impact your opportunities in the future, possibly not being able to travel to certain countries and impacting future employment. 

We spent time asking questions about online safety and the role of the PSNI. We were delighted to have a look inside the Police Land Rover.

Thank you for taking the time to visit KPS! It was such an informative morning.