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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Primary 1 Induction Day

16th Jun 2022

Our new Primary 1 boys and girls came to have a look around our school yesterday. They played with the present P1 boys and girls on the playground. They had fun playing in the sand tray, on the climbing frame, building with large bricks and on the scooters. We then played with the parachute and played football. After break time played in the playroom and then we went down to the wildlife area to explore and have a look for frogs in the pond. We made a crown from nature and had a look at the vegetable beds, hopefully we will have lots of vegetables to harvest in September. After walking through the willow tunnel we went into our new secret garden and had fun digging, swinging, baking and hiding in our rainbow hut.

Everyone had lots of fun and we’ll look forward to seeing them all again in September.