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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

P7 Mini Business

1st Jun 2023

Primary 7 have been very busy creating a mini business. Roles have been distributed throughout the classroom and the would be delighted if we could support them! We hope this experience will develop creativity, enterprise, management, understanding of production and what is involved in business.

Today the P7 team presented their business in assembly. To catch everyone’s attention, three girls opened with a dance they have created. Then two pupils informed the boys and girls about what is on offer.

Terrific Treats on Tuesday

It will be running on the 6th, 13th and 20th of June. Children will be able to buy mini brownies and large doughnuts. You can purchase 3 mini brownies for £1 or one doughnut for £1.

We hope the business goes well P7!