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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

P7 host a Digital Training Session

14th Jun 2023

Our P7 pupils hosted a digital workshop to local members of the Ulster Scots Society.

Everyone introduced themselves and the digital leaders informed our guests about their role within school and what we hoped to achieve today.

As a Take 5 School we reinforced that we would be active by exploring the school grounds, we are learning new skills, we are giving our time to participate in this session, we will be taking notice of our wildlife and we would be connecting with others through our conversations and learning. All of these action really help to improve our mental well-being.

The children went into small groups and escorted a guest around the school grounds, teaching them how to take photographs on the iPad. Then they returned to the classroom to explore PicCollage. All visitors we able to take home a copy of the poster we made. The boys and girls served tea, scones and biscuits to our guests.

It was noted that our children are so well mannered, have ownership of their school and are so proud to show it off. The boys and girls were commended for their teaching and their interactions with the guests.

We want to thank our guests for the Buddleia plant and sweets and we hope we may be able to do this again in the future.