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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

✨P7 Acts of Kindness Challenge ✨

21st Feb 2025

Today our classroom was filled with positivity thanks to a wonderful challenge set by Miss Scott, our student teacher. She encouraged pupils to uplift one another by giving out compliments in a creative and engaging way.

Each pupil took turns saying a classmate’s name and sharing a genuine compliment before passing a ball of string to them. As the activity continued, a web of compliments began to take shape—both physically and emotionally! Once everyone had received and given a compliment, we all pulled on the string together, demonstrating how strong and connected we are when we lift each other up. This powerful visual reminded us that kind words and encouragement build a positive and supportive classroom environment.

To take this challenge even further, Miss Scott encouraged everyone to carry this spirit of kindness throughout the day by completing at least one act of kindness. Whether it was helping a friend, sharing a smile, or offering support, our pupils embraced the challenge with enthusiasm!

Well done to everyone who took part—let’s keep spreading kindness every day!