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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

P1 Induction Day

13th Jun 2023

Our new Primary 1 boys and girls came for a look around school today. We had lots of fun in the playground making an obstacle course, building towers, playing in the sand and water tray and on the climbing frame. We read the story “What the ladybird heard” and had a search for some ladybirds in the wildlife area. We went into the classroom to try out their new seats and have some snacks. Then it was time to go back outside to our secret garden where we made our ladybirds fly on the parachute, explored our willow tunnel, painted ladybirds and made play dough ladybirds. Everyone had lots of fun playing together and we all enjoyed an ice lolly to cool us down. We look forward to seeing all our new P1’s in September and hope they all have a lovely summer.