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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Only one you art project.

23rd Jun 2023

This week we all listened to the story “Only one you”. This was about a little fish that was heading out into the ocean and his mummy and daddy were giving him some advice. Some of the things they told Adri was to find his own way, know when to speak and when to listen, if you make a wrong turn circle back and take time to reflect. We took some time to reflect and think about how we are all different as we created are own little fish using stones. We started with a plain stone and added a layer of paint then we added some spots and stripes and finally brought them to life with some pens. We read the second book about Adri “You be you” which taught us that we will all swim in different directions but it’s important that in life’s journey you be you. We then set our fish free to explore their new ocean at the front of the school.