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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Mindful moments

2nd Jun 2023

Primary five rounded off a gloriously sunny week with a 'senses trail' around the wildlife area. They used four of their five senses to explore the sights, sounds, smells and feel of nature. Miss Steele brought some plants from her own garden so they could compare the textures of different leaves, including some dried ones, and they sniffed plants such as lavender and rosemary. They used magnifying glasses to examine things at close quarters and they lay down to see things from a different angle. They did some tree hugging and forest bathing, all without leaving the school grounds and some people took some quiet time to read and relax. The only sense they didn't explore was 'taste' as they discussed the dangers of eating leaves, berries and mushrooms which could be poisonous. What a calm way to start the weekend!