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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Last Day Celebrations

30th Jun 2022

Today we had many reasons to smile and celebrate! 

We celebrated Mrs Cooper’s special birthday today and the boys and girls presented her with a cake, card and present. Enjoy all the celebrating Mrs Cooper! 

Next we presented the certificates for our Summer Potted Sports. Well done to our winning teams for working so well together and scoring the highest points. 

We are delighted to announce that Movanagher is the winning house for 2021-2022! Each child was presented with a medal and the children were delighted! 

At break time pupils had ice cream or lollies for break.


We created a guard of honour for our amazing P7 pupils and wish them all the best for their new school. We can’t wait to hear how you all get on! 

We hope everyone will have an amazing summer and we look forward to our new academic year in September.