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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Kilrea Primary School reunion

28th May 2024
On Saturday afternoon many past pupils and some teachers came back to school for a chance to catch up and reminisce about their school days. Everyone enjoyed a chance to talk about old times and find out about where everyone is and what they are doing now. After a cup of tea and a look through the old photos many took the opportunity to explore the building and visit their old classrooms and have a look around the grounds. The big hill didn’t seem quite as big anymore and there were no poles to swing from on the playground but the sun came out and everyone had time to see our wildlife area, pond and our play garden.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon, thanks must go to Philip Holmes for suggesting the get together and to the P.T.A. for providing a cup of tea and to all our past pupils who very generously contributed to our school funds to buy equipment and resources for our current pupils.