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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Keeping Safe Assembly & Stars of the Week 8.11.24

7th Nov 2024

Today Mrs Cooper led our Keeping Safe Assembly and she focused on how we are all different. We dressed up as different people and said how they looked different and do different jobs. Then we heard about a zebra who is different with zig zag stripes. We all have our differences but that is what makes us all so special. How boring life would be if we were all the same! 

Over the next few weeks our children will be completing our NSPCC lessons.

Mrs McCombe is celebrating a big birthday and was presented with beautiful flowers, a card and cake. The boys and girls enjoyed a special treat at break time! 

Stars of the week awards

Congratulations to our boys and girls. Certificates were awarded for -

* Being so kind to a new pupil
* Having such a positive attitude in school
* Doing so well at Peace Proms
* Excellent Accelerated Reader work