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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Jubilee Fun Day

31st May 2022

On Tuesday 31st May the boys and girls had a brilliant day. The day started with an assembly watching some clips from the concert, singing and cutting the cakes. Many thanks to our generous bakers for the stunning cakes!

Mrs Ruth Armstrong, chairperson of the PTA, presented each child with a jubilee keepsake. Many thanks to the PTA for sponsoring the pins and bouncy castles. 

The children had an outdoor picnic which was delicious. Many thanks to our ladies in the kitchen for looking after us so well. We also took the opportunity to wish Claire well in her new position.

A special mention must go to one of our parents, Heather, who offered to paint the children’s faces today. This was such a treat and they all looked fabulous!

Thank you to all the staff who ensured our children had a wonderful day!

The boys and girls have bounced in bouncy castles, enjoyed playground games and have had the best day. One child said, “I don’t want this day to end!”