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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Jelly Welly Walk

12th Jun 2023

Ian from Safe Families led an assembly to tell us how this charity helps within the community.

Safe Families launched in the UK 10 years ago, and in Northern Ireland 2 years ago.  

"We believe that no one should feel alone and everyone should belong- and belonging is simply being seen, heard and understood. Isolation and loneliness is an epidemic on our society today. So we work in partnership with the Northern Health Trust and Belfast Health Trust. They refer families to us who are really struggling. We then recruit volunteers, mainly from churches, who befriend those families, offer temporary respite to children where needed, and try to support those families. It's a simple but effective strategy that is changing people's lives all over the UK."

Safe Families have a facebook page - Safe Families Northern Ireland where you can find more information.

As a Take 5 School we believe that everyone should be seen, heard and not feel alone

On Wednesday 21st June our children will be participating in a 'Jelly Welly Walk' to raise money for Safe Families. You will find a sponsor sheet per family in your bag. On the day everyone is invited to bring along their wellies, we will be walking around the boundary of the school, some members of staff and willing children may put jelly in their wellies. There will be jelly to eat afterwards.

This will be a fun event for all of our children.