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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Illustrators of the future! 📘🎨

9th Feb 2024

The Travelling Book Fair has arrived at school. Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed looking through the new books - there may be a few piggy banks that will be a little lighter before the books leave school!

At KPS we believe it is so important to foster a love of reading. As the children progress through the school they love the challenge of Accelerated Reader and working hard to achieve their personalised targets. 

Our Literacy Coordinator set the challenge of creating and designing a book cover. Our older pupils also incorporate the spine and blurb in their design. Congratulations to all of our winners. A massive thank you to our PTA who sponsored our awards for each class. The winners received vouchers to spend in the Travelling Book Fair.

The Book Fair will be open on Monday and Tuesday. The boys and girls have the opportunity to purchase books on these days. Parents are welcome to choose a book with their child at hometime on Monday and Tuesday. 


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!