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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

🏆House Point Assembly🏆

26th Jun 2024

We had a wonderful assembly to celebrate our achievements! 

Reading Awards
Miss Steele presented AR awards, certificates were presented for wonderful reading, the highest word count in the class and bronze, silver and gold certificate for our reading olympics! Well done everyone.

Then there were special certificates awarded for two pupils achieving their 1 million words and one pupil reading 2 million words! Such an amazing achievement! 

Term 3 Attendance Certificates

P6 were awarded with 100% term 3 attendance certificates. Well done everyone!

Swimming Certificates
P6 were presented with their swimming certificate and should be commended for their wonderful progress.

P7 Leavers
Our P7 pupils treated us to a performance showcasing their achievements and dance. We thoroughly enjoyed their sketch and sent them off with three cheers to wish them well.

House Points
Then the moment we had all been waiting for. First we presented certificates for the top three teams from potted sports. This year the top three teams were from Movanagher! 

Then we shared the June results 

P1/2 - Movanagher 
P3/4 - Portna
P5 - Toberdoney
P6 - Toberdoney
P7 - Portna

Overall Winners for 2023-2024

1st - Toberdoney
2nd - Portna
3rd - Movanagher 


Well done everyone. 

“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary!”