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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine
Kilrea Primary School Open Morning! Saturday 30th November, 9:30am. - 10:30a.m. Everyone Will Be Made Most Welcome!
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Friendship Assembly and Awards

22nd Sep 2023

Today Mrs Thompson led an assembly about friendship. She spoke about what it means to be a good friend and we watched a short video to help us understand the importance of friendship.

‘In order to have good friends, you need to be a good friend.’

At Kilrea PS we want to ensure that everyone has a good friend.

Friend stands for

F - faithful
R - respectful
I - include
E - encourage
N - need
D - deserve

Thank you Mrs Thompson for reminding us about the importance of being a good friend.

Stars of the Week

Congratulations to our stars.

Certificates were awarded for;

๐ŸŽ Great attitutude to work and play
๐ŸŽ Settling well in school
๐ŸŽ Great number work
๐ŸŽ Helping on the bus

Well done everyone!