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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

First week fun with Primary 1&2

6th Sep 2024

This week P1&2 boys and girls have been on a dinosaur adventure. We listened to the story of Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs at school. We looked at lots of dinosaurs and sorted them into groups, danced with them and then we followed the dinosaur footprints around the school to find our dinosaurs hiding in the playroom.

Primary 2 boys and girls have been enjoying showing the P1’s around our lovely school grounds. We put on our welly boots and had fun running down the big hill, wandering through the willow tunnel and looking for nature in the wildlife area. We all enjoyed playing with the toys in our secret garden.

We all loved the sunny weather on Friday and Primary 1 had time to catch up with their P6 buddies for a little playtime together, they are looking forward to meeting up again.

In the afternoon Primary 2 used their green fingers to plant some old wellies, hopefully we will have lots of autumn flowers soon.
We had a busy week and are looking forward to more fun over the coming weeks.
