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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

First Friday Assembly of the Year

8th Sep 2023

Today we held our first Friday Assembly which was led by Mrs Anderson who coordinates Eco School. We are very proud to have gained our 11th flag and we endeavour to look after our environment.

Today Mrs Anderson showed the boys and girls a range of household items. They had to guess what the items had in common. We found out that they were all made from recycled items. Primary 7 helped display what they were all made from. 

Over the next few weeks we will be setting up our P3 to P7 Eco Council and look forward to developing our initiatives for the year.

Thank you Mrs Anderson for starting off our assemblies so well, helping us focus on ways we can help our environment. 

In assembly today we were delighted to present two of our P6 pupils with their Grade 1 violin certificates. We are so proud of you girls! There are still two spaces left for violin this year and we would be delighted to have a few more string players in school.