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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Eco Day fun

26th May 2024

P1&2 had lots of fun on our Eco Day. We pulled on our wetsuits and wellyboots and headed down to the pond. Gareth and our P7 boys were busy with the nets and they showed us all the creatures that they had found. We loved seeing the newts with their spotty tummies and the pond snails and water beetles. We made some creatures out of natural materials and enjoyed exploring through the trees.

After our healthy break we headed back outside to the garden where we planted seeds, searched for bugs and made a big chain under the lovely copper beach tree. When we came back inside we made some butterfly feeders.
Being out in the fresh air had given us a great appetite and we all enjoyed our indoor picnic.

We finished off the day listening to the story of super worm in our log circle and playing a little game of Dusty Bluebells. Thank you to Mrs Anderson and Mrs Barron for organising all the activities and to the P7 boys and girls who helped us, we really enjoyed our day.