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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Coronation Sports Day and Big Lunch

4th May 2023

Thank you all for coming along to our Coronation Sports Day and Big Lunch. I am sure you would agree that the day was a great success and the children were wonderful.

Many thanks to our special guest, Mrs Hannah Collins, for speaking so well and presenting the children's gifts. A big thank you to our wonderful PTA who sourced the gifts and prepared them for our children and prepared tea and coffee for today. We must thank David Linton who sponsored the Wild Flower Seeds and to Gregory Campbell (MLA) for our lovely certificates. Hope for Youth Ministries donated commemorative books about King Charles.

Many thanks to Diandra and her mummy who made beautiful cupcakes for every child in school. They were delicious and such a treat! 

A massive thank you to our wonderful staff; Mrs Cooper for organising the Sports Day Races and wonderful team Games, Miss Steele for our brilliant flash mob dance, Mrs Thompson for arranging the cakes, Miss Shiels and Mrs Roulston for their support and Mrs Anderson for organising all of the stunning planters around the school.

Mrs Brown, Miss McAleese, Mrs Dundas, Miss Smyth and Mrs Millar for assisting with all of the art work and displaying it throughout the school. Mr Nightingale and Miss Young for making sure everywhere is spick and span! 

Mrs Moore and Mrs Holmes for preparing the amazing picnic lunch! 

We are blessed with a wonderful team who ensure that our children are looked after in every way possible. They always remember that children are at the centre of all we do! 


I hope that you will have wonderful memories as we celebrate this moment of History!