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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Coronation Celebrations

24th Apr 2023

On Friday 5th May we will be celebrating the King's Coronation with a Sports Day and Big Lunch.

For the Queen's Coronation, small schools in the Kilrea area came together and had a Sports Day to celebrate the event. This has inpsired our Coronation Sports Day.

The boys and girls are invited to wear the colours red, white and blue if they have them. Our sports will have a Royal theme. Boys and girls should bring or wear their trainers to school everyday so we can practice our races. 

Parents are invited to bring along a fold up seat to watch the sports. After this we will be having a Big Lunch. The boys and girls will be provided with a picnic lunch (for free) and parents will be provided with tea/ coffee and cake. Friends and family are invited to bring along their own lunch supplies. 

After lunch our wonderful PTA will be presenting the boys and girls with special commemorative gifts. 

We hope this will be a fun and memorable event where we can come together as a community to celebrate this moment of history.