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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

🎄Christmas House Points & Attendance Awards

21st Dec 2023

Today we had a short assembly to find out who our house point winners were! 

December Points

P1/2 winners - Toberdoney

P3/4 winners - Portna

P5 winners - Movanagher

P6 winners - Toberdoney

P7 winners - Toberdoney

After the dinner hall points and Christmas Potted Sports points were added, the overall winners for the whole school are as follows;

1st Portna

2nd Movanagher

3rd Toberdoney

Well done everyone! 

Attendance Awards

As a school we encourage good attendance and punctuality. We are very fortunate to have parents who keep their children at home when they are ill.

Today certificates were awarded to our top attenders in school. Congratulations everyone!