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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Building for the future

8th Nov 2023
On Tuesday P5 and 6 rounded off their buildings topic with a visit to McGarry-Moon architects. Owners, Jessica and Steven (a past pupil of Kilrea Primary) showed them around their office and talked about the building process. We had lots of questions for them, including why they had wanted to do that job, how long it took to qualify, what materials they liked to use and how much does it cost to build a house? We met some of their younger architects who demonstrated the latest computer technology for designing and presenting plans. We were amazed to see how the plan can be taken apart or put together and how you can take a walk around the future house in virtual reality.  Many thanks to all at the company for sharing your time and expertise.  You may have inspired some designers and architects of the future.