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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Bring me Sunshine! Assembly 02/06/23

2nd Jun 2023

Today Miss Steele led assembly informing the boys and girls about staying safe in the sun. The children were reminded about the purpose of the sun, we need it for heat, light and growth! 

The boys and girls were able to share how to keep safe in the sun - sun cream, hats, sunglasses and lots of water.

Miss Steele encouraged the boys and girls to be a ray of sunshine to others, consider how you can cheer others and make their day better! 

Star of the Week

Certificates were awarded for;

  • Hard working attitude in class
  • Kindness
  • Wonderful art work
  • Super piano playing

Well done everyone!

AR Certificates

Miss Steele presented AR certificated this morning and a few special prizes including the most AR tests completed that were all correct. 

We have challenged P3-P7 to really work hard in June, to break their own reading records, try to increase their word count and make sure they complete their AR quizzes. 

House Points

Points are awarded throughout the school day for working hard, good behaviour, kindness, great manners and the list goes on.

P1/2 - Toberdoney

P3/4 - Toberdoney

P5 - Toberdoney

P6/7 - Portna


Overall winners - Movanagher!

Well done everyone


Football Success

One of our P6 boys was delighted to inform everyone that his team, Moyola under 11’s have won the Garvagh Cup. They were competing against 16 teams! Congratulations!