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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Assembly, Stars of the Week and House Points

31st May 2024

Our assembly was led by Rev. Gary Millar who discussed how much different items are worth. Primary 7 and Mrs Anderson has to guess how much each item would cost. Primary 7 must do lots of shopping as their guesses were excellent!

The Rev. Millar displayed a photo of Mrs Anderson and asked, “How much is she worth?” our super P7's suggested that she is priceless! Rev. Millar reminded the boys and girls that they all are important, special and worthy. He wished our P7 pupils all the best as they prepare for their transition to secondary school and to always remember that they are valued and have lots to offer.


Stars of the Week

Certificates were awarded for great performance at Sports Day, super independent writing and a great attitude in school.


May House Points

The class winners are as follows;


P1/2 - Portna

P3/4 - Portna

P5 - Movanagher 

P6 - Movanagher 

P7 - Portna


Overall winners - Portna