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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Assembly, Stars of the Week & Charity Presentation

12th Jan 2024

We were delighted to welcome Ken from ZAP (Zomba Action Project) and Moira from Save the Children. Ken and Moira explained to our boys and girls about the work each charity does to help those in need.

Over the past term we held a few events to raise money for these charities. We had a Harvest Hooley, Christmas Jumper Day, and Collection at our Carol Service.

We were thrilled to present each charity with a cheque for £358, a grand total of £716 raised for charity.

As a Take 5 school we recognise the importance of giving to others. We would like to express a sincere thanks to our family and friends who have supported our charity work. 

At the end of our Friday assemble Mrs McCombe presented certificates to our Stars of the Week.


Certificates were awarded for;

  • Interacting so well with others
  • Consistent hard work at school
  • Wonderful academic progress
  • Great attitude in school
  • Being so good at wearing new glasses