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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Assembly Stars!

12th Apr 2024

Today Miss Steele led our assembly and she talked about flowers. We focused in the daisy flower, looked closely at the colours and discovered they are part of the same family as sunflowers. They are found everywhere on earth, except in Antartica. 

Did you know that the flower head closes at night and opens in the day.

Miss Steele encouraged the boys and girls to be like daisies, be ready for the day!

Congratulations to our Starts of the Week

Certificates were awarded for;

  • working hard in class
  • being a great helper
  • showing great leadership skills
  • super performance at our concert

AR Special Awards

Congratulations to two of our pupils who have read over 500,000 words. 

A special mention to another pupil who has become a word millionaire. 

Amazing work boys and girls!