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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

Assembly and Stars of the Week

1st Dec 2023

Miss Steele led an exciting assembly today, talking about Advent and the countdown to Christmas. She discussed with the children that one of the best things we can do in the run up to Christmas is to consider how we can be kind. She suggested that we consider nature around us, share your time with your friends and family and be aware that not everyone is as fortunate as we are. 

Then two of our P7 pupils informed everyone that the KPS postal service will be open from Monday. Anyone who wishes to send cards in school should post them into the post box and the P7 distribution team will sort the cards.

All cards must have the name and class written on the envelope.

Stars of the Week

Congratulations to our stars. Certificates were award for

  • Happy attitude in school
  • Working hard in class
  • Being a great helper in school
  • Super classwork
  • Great effort

Well done everyone!