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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - School Council

21st Jun 2024
On Wednesday 20th June we were delighted to welcome family and friends to our prize...
7th Jun 2024
We had a brilliant assembly to celebrate the amazing achievements of our students. Star...
9th Feb 2024
Today all the boys and girls had a fantastic presentation from the Dogs’ Trust....
12th Jan 2024
We were delighted to welcome Ken from ZAP (Zomba Action Project) and Moira from Save...
20th Dec 2023
Today our boys and got into their House Teams and competed in our Christmas potted...
5th Dec 2023
On Saturday 2nd December we were delighted to welcome prospective P1 pupils and their...
17th Nov 2023
Today we celebrated Children in Need. Our P5 and P7 pupils created a special Pudsey...
27th Oct 2023
We started off our day with Friday Assembly.Rev. Millar shared a story about sharing...
29th Sep 2023
We had a very busy assembly today.  The Rev Coulter led our talk and we sang...

2022/2023 School Year

3rd Mar 2023
The School Coucil decided that it would be great to have an Extreme Reading competition....