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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Eco Council

2021/2022 School Year

2nd Mar 2022
We are absolutely blown away by the incredible volume of aid you have sent into school...
11th Feb 2022
We’re delighted to have our salmon project up and running again after covid....
7th Feb 2022
The boys and girls were very excited with the arrival of our new eco plastic picnic...
26th Jan 2022
The Eco Club were absolutely delighted with the tremendous amount of clobber that...
25th Jan 2022
During Monday’s Eco Club P5 were  investigating camouflage ! They hid...
17th Jan 2022
P5 enjoyed the January sunshine during Eco Club , making a natural compass from materials...
7th Jan 2022
P7 enjoyed a wintry walk, saw that the bulbs they planted in autumn had started to...
6th Jan 2022
P7 made Eco friendly Christmas trees using willow from our school grounds.
1st Dec 2021
Congratulations to the boys and girls who have been elected to serve on our Eco Committee....
1st Dec 2021
We have lots of apple trees around our school and Primary 7 decided to bake some...