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Kilrea Primary School, Kilrea, Coleraine

News - Eco Council

2022/2023 School Year

30th Jun 2023
Our last day of term was a little different! Schools involved in the Forest...
21st Jun 2023
Very well done to the girls and boys in P7 who have taken part in cycling proficiency...
19th Jun 2023
During ECO club, last month, P5 sowed pumpkin seeds which have germinated very successfully....
18th Jun 2023
As part of our KS2 Shared Education curriculum we are delighted to take part in the...
31st May 2023
Today P5/6/7 had a lovely afternoon connecting with nature in the Wildlife Garden....
24th May 2023
Thank you so much for supporting our Cash for Clobber collection. We are delighted...
17th May 2023
Instead of our normal Wednesday assembly we invited Rev McCormick, the Chairman of...
3rd Mar 2023
We want to thank John Bolton who kindly donated wooden pallets for our latest project....
24th Feb 2023
P 6&7 children have welcomed 100 salmon eggs into our classroom. Stephen, our...
8th Feb 2023
P 6 and 7 have been working on their topic Frozen. They have enjoyed learning about...